if you must appear before judge rosemary chambers in mobile county circuit court, do not waste your time on an attorney if you are a male, you will loose, unless molly sullivan or v. haas is your attorney. there are a few other attorneys such as jerry pilgram that rosemary chambers favors.
judge banks and attorney claude boone are pretty tight.
if you are a male in rosemary chambers court room and molly sullivan is not your attorney, you will not only loose but get royally screwed!!!!!!
if you feel that you have been wronged, you legally have the right to an appeal which is what i have done. they only look at things that were discussed in the lower court so make sure you make your issues known in the circuit court!!!! the court of appeals, follows the law and case law.
The person who left this comment is so right, If Molly Sullivan is the G.A.L in A case the male is always going to be the one to win. My ex husband and I took a psyc test and he failed and was still awarded full custody of my children. I have been fighting for 10 years to see my son and Daughter, even though I have pleanty of visitation rights, more then usual I still dont see my babies. Molly Sullivan will not do anything about it! She is for the men and totaly against the women, I have no criminal history and my exhusband does, several counts of domestic violence against myself while I was pregent with our children and while I wasent. Molly Sullivan is a Bad GAl she is suppose to do what is best for the children but she does what is best for her.
ReplyDeleteTell me the system isn't corrupt when Molly Sullivan wins 100% of her cases in Rosemary Chambers courtroom and when she is appointed as GAL 90% of the time??
DeleteThat is because Molly Sullivan is a scorned vindictive woman! So pathetic!!!!
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ReplyDeleteBEWARE OF Johnny Lane, Claude BOone, Jerry Pilgrim, Moolly Sullivan(she used to work for Claude Boone, and almost all psych evals, GALS and attyns. This is nothing but a racket for skewing the hell out of the information presented to court and Chambers is nothing short of a mentally power mad witch.
DeleteThank you for taking on this action. It is greatly needed throughout Alabama and the country.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure how much good I am doing but I am trying. These power-headed idiot Judges say that they are doing what is in the best interest of children, and they are not! They could care less about what is best for children! They are playing God and children are being screwed up for life b/c of it!
DeleteMy husband won custody of his kids. Judge Chambers was his judge and Molly Sullivan was not his lawyer. So, we have no problem with Judge Chambers.
ReplyDeleteWell I had chambers and sullivan as GAL and the mother failed drug test I did not and she failed mental evaluation and I was awarded custody as well as the 14 and ten year old we have together wanted to live with me I did win I feel that was the best interest and i am happy with outcome
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ReplyDeleteWe feel that Molly Sullivan and judge Chambers did a great job and our court hearing for custody of my husband's son. I feel that they were able to look through all of the lies and see the truth of the matter and my husband got generous visitation rights with a reachable child support goal. However we do feel that the best interest of the son would be with Dad but Im sure every parent feels they are the better parent. We are however headed in the right direction and the Mother can no longer keep him away from his Dad. We are happy.
ReplyDeleteWe feel that Molly Sullivan and judge Chambers did a great job and our court hearing for custody of my husband's son. I feel that they were able to look through all of the lies and see the truth of the matter and my husband got generous visitation rights with a reachable child support goal. However we do feel that the best interest of the son would be with Dad but Im sure every parent feels they are the better parent. We are however headed in the right direction and the Mother can no longer keep him away from his Dad. We are happy.
ReplyDeleteShe was appointed as the Guardian of my daughter during my divorce. After a financially draining divorce and a year of manipulation of the court system by my ex wife to make me look bad I thought I had finally met someone who was fair and would help me. Boy, was I wrong. She initially recommended I get standard visitation with my daughter but then she talks to the lying, manipulative ex and suddenly is concerned with me "spending too much time" with my daughter....WHAT!? Too much time? My ex tells everyone I'm an alcoholic because she found God and decided alcohol was evil so my occasional beer after work to her is an alcohol problem. So this Molly, with zero proof I'm an alcoholic, takes the exes word and changes her recommendation to 6 months of limited visitation. I do not understand how these people in the court system believe the crap these bitter, angry exes spew. I was a great father who the ex trusted not only to keep my daughter but her other son up until the day I left my ex (for being a mean-spirited, verbally abusive, negative, spoiled brat who tried to demand I disown my son from a previous relationship to make our marriage work...umm no). Suddenly, because I left her and announced my desire for a divorce, I was an alcoholic who couldn't be trusted to wipe my own ass, much less care for my child. Disregard the fact I took care of her while she refused to work for 3 years. Disregard the fact I took care of her son like he was my own. Disregard the fact I took care of both those children alone for years. Molly lapped up the lies and then had the nerve after court to tell me, "Don't think that I'm trying to say your a bad person, I'm just concerned with the amount of time you'd spend with her." Yeah because divorced fathers are worth nothing but a ridiculous amount of child support to the courts. There is no real justice or fairness in family law most of the time. It's all about how much money each person can throw at the court and sadly my ex had more funds thanks to her wealthy parents paying for everything. Molly may be a great lawyer but as a man, be careful if you have a vindictive ex and she is appointed as your Guardian. I don't even think she has any children.
ReplyDeleteChristine McCullough is in this pot! She says & does whatever to make things hard for mothers...including using altered police reports , telling dads to play the system making false report's to DHR.., then if judge brown is invovled your really screwed!!!
ReplyDeleteThe men are then taught to alienate the mother in everyway!
They tell them to take to shrink....to work on the mind twisting of the children that have been put on mind altering ( DRUGS) they they DO NOT need & wasnt tested properly for !!!
Not to mention the push of adoption....
A child shpuld have both parents in thier life ...its a god given right !
( i know there a some that are bad & shouldnt )
But for the majority its just a war of pride....& child support!
And any mother or father that turns thier child against the other should burn in HELL !!!
This is why these kids grow up so mentally disturbed !!!
Judges really need to do BETTER!
And these unethical attorneys need to be disbarred!!!! IMMEDIATELY
Christine McCullough is in this pot! She says & does whatever to make things hard for mothers...including using altered police reports , telling dads to play the system making false report's to DHR.., then if judge brown is invovled your really screwed!!!
ReplyDeleteThe men are then taught to alienate the mother in everyway!
They tell them to take to shrink....to work on the mind twisting of the children that have been put on mind altering ( DRUGS) they they DO NOT need & wasnt tested properly for !!!
Not to mention the push of adoption....
A child shpuld have both parents in thier life ...its a god given right !
( i know there a some that are bad & shouldnt )
But for the majority its just a war of pride....& child support!
And any mother or father that turns thier child against the other should burn in HELL !!!
This is why these kids grow up so mentally disturbed !!!
Judges really need to do BETTER!
And these unethical attorneys need to be disbarred!!!! IMMEDIATELY
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