Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Rosemary Chambers/Molly Sullivan/Corruption/Joint Custody

If you are in a situation where you feel that you have been wronged in your custody case by our CORRUPT legal system, please let me know.


  1. Rosemary Chambers just awarded custody of my brother's children to his wife today and doubled his child support. She is currently using METHADONE while PREGNANT by another man who she is not with anymore. Is there any way to fight this? She is using and I am sure will continue to use drugs, is there anyway to fight this? For my niece and nephew please give us some hope. 251-366-7085

    1. I wish that I could say that there was a way but the system is just too corrupt! I say this not freely b/c I hate that our system works like this, but tell your brother to not waste his time on attorneys that promise to help and then can't. Hire Virgina Haas, Molly Sullivan, Claude Boone, Jerry Pilgram (all favorites of both Judges in Mobile) It may cost alot in the beginning, but it will be worth it in the end!

  2. I'm a women that has had the same problems with judge Donald Banks he is verry corrupt and favors men my ex husband was verry abusive to me and now verry abusive to my two children and I have went through every step I know to do even as far as putting my children into see a counselor they are on PSD meds at 8 & 10 yrs old because they don't want to go to their fathers when he has his time with them. He has even been abusive resently even after going through court for the past 2 years. His attorney has given false documents to the courts and has had many witnesses lie under oath. I need help I have not been represented properly I have had 3 lawyers that I have paid a lot of money too just drop me after promisess or just not try I give them a little money and they may do a little and then they just ignor me Ian soooo afraid for my children's safety please help. A helpless mother

  3. I was battled for custody in 2012 till 2015 I had my kids since 2002 from birth till judge Banks change custody giving my ex custody , my ex was not apart of my children's life they were born .. in 2006 I divorced my ex he was abusive and he never saw the kids till he kidnapped them in 2012..I wish I could say why my ex was granted custody but the judge didn't give a reason . There is no reason in the order.... My son was forced to testify in court , he was shown photos that the CAC took showing hand prints around his neck and back, my son said my dad got mad are chocked me and hit me...even after my son testified to being abused,with the photos to show the marks, and after my ex was found guilty of owing 17,000 in back child support ( which Banks ordered that he didn't have to pay . And that It would be a credit for my payments.i lost for no reason

  4. I was battled for custody in 2012 till 2015 I had my kids since 2002 from birth till judge Banks change custody giving my ex custody , my ex was not apart of my children's life they were born .. in 2006 I divorced my ex he was abusive and he never saw the kids till he kidnapped them in 2012..I wish I could say why my ex was granted custody but the judge didn't give a reason . There is no reason in the order.... My son was forced to testify in court , he was shown photos that the CAC took showing hand prints around his neck and back, my son said my dad got mad are chocked me and hit me...even after my son testified to being abused,with the photos to show the marks, and after my ex was found guilty of owing 17,000 in back child support ( which Banks ordered that he didn't have to pay . And that It would be a credit for my payments.i lost for no reason
