This Judge and so called woman defines CORRUPTION at its finest! Until she is removed from the bench and laws are changed to prevent such corruption she will continue to destroy the lives of innocent children! Don't worry, she sleeps just fine at night. She completely disregards the law and rulings and statutes of previous Judges and Appellant Courts! I hate to bare bad news, but everything that I have said is true! I guess that 100k+ a year makes it easy for her to sit there and visibly not listen, make a ruling that screws your kids and forget about it the minute she walks behind those doors! She only has about 10 more years on the bench before she gets her full retirement of 100k. Don't cha love it. Civil servants making that kind of money and on top of that she isn't even doing her job!!!!
The best way to combat this is for us to come together and ask the Senate to limit the time that a domestic Judge can serve so that corruption is minimized! Come together with me and lets fight this!!!
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